

I am open to taking commissioned work, depending on the type and timing of the project. Please send me an inquiry via the contact page.

What is a commissioned work?

It is when you hire an artist to create a specific piece of artwork.

What is the process of commissioning artwork?

Reach out to me with details about what kind of artwork you’d like to commission. Some basic questions I might ask you is: the type of artwork, dimensions, timeline, and if there are any specific imagery/colours.

We’ll communicate throughout the process if you’d like. I’m happy to add in check points where we can go through rough sketches, colour palettes, and any other details if required.

How much does it cost?

This depends on the request. Although commissions cost more than an original piece of artwork due to the process and time it takes to create a unique piece for you. A 50% deposit is required prior to the commencement of the project.

How long will it take?

This depends on the scale of the project but I will likely complete the commission within the time frame you set. This is something we’d chat more about to determine an appropriate timeline.

Don’t see your question answered here? Just shoot me an email through my contact form.